I went to the doctor yesterday morning and didn't have any labor pains, I walked out with a lot of pain but didn't think that I was going to be going to end up in the hospital later that day. Two hours later my contractions were 5 minutes apart (a totally new experience for me because with Shelby my water broke first). I called Jordan at 1:30pm and he came home to pick me up and take me to the hospital. We slowly made our way to the hospital and then walked around before deciding to check in.
We checked in at about 3pm and I got my epidural at 4pm. After that it was just a waiting game until it was time to push her out. It didn't take me long. The nurse actually had to stop me because she was almost out.
I was amazed that this birth was so much different than Shelby's. Shelby lasted 18 hours, I pushed for 3 hours, I tore, and was exhausted. Addilyn lasted 7 hours, pushed for a 1/2 hour, didn't tear, and had so much energy I probably could have pushed another one out.
Anyway, we're still in the hospital because she has had a hard time eating today but that is getting better so hopefully we will be home tomorrow morning.
Now, for what everyone has been waiting for: pictures.
Jordan, Shelby, and Addilyn just an hour or so after she was born.
Our new family of four, Shelby just loves her little sister already.
I am always amazed that dads can sleep on these "beds" but Jordan says that you are just so exhausted that you don't even care how uncomfortable you are. I had to take this of him because he never brings comfortable clothes either. This is about 6am.
I'll post again when we have better pictures of Addilyn.
Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo happy for you guys!!!!!
Congratulations! What a pretty name :)
Congrats, I'm so excited for you!!!
Yea Bernie! I'm glad its all over for you and that it was easier for you. Congratulations! What a cute little family you have.
HOORAY! We have a new niece! We'll come up and see you all soon :)
congratulations! and you'll soon see how divine it is to be tear and stitches free (if you're not noticing already)!!
Yea for you. I have been meaning to come over since yesterday. Let me know if you need anything. (dinner monday night?)
Yeah! She is here and wow, i never heard you complain at the very end! new baby, new house, how exciting for you guys!!! congrats!
What a beautiful name!!!! I hope your doing well!!! Can't wait to see more!!!
congrats! My mom told me about the baby and I had forgotten that you had a blog-so glad I found you. Parker would love to meet Addilyn one day!
We're so happy for you - what a beautiful mom and baby and dad and big sister!
Yay! Congratulations! I'm so excited to hear that she arrived safe and healthy. (Obviously, I haven't checked your blog in a while). Hope you guys are getting a good routine down and that everything is going well.
ahem....speaking of blogging (since we did so much yesterday...what is up with the neglect going on here at your blog???
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