Sunday, April 25, 2010


Photo from

This week for Jordan's birthday we took a trip up to Jackson, Wy. On the way we began to notice that there were quite a few Subarus. We began to count in Victor, ID and by the time we got to our hotel we had counted over 70. On the way back we decided to count right from the start of our trip back. We filled up with gas (because it was 10 cents cheaper in Jackson) and then began to count. From Jackson to Tetonia which is about 41.56 miles according to Mapquest we saw a total of 127. That comes out to about 3 a mile. I think that Subaru has taken over that part of the world! What is the appeal for people who live in that area? I am dying to know! I am not a fan of them myself but if there is something extra special about them I would be willing to consider one.

We looked really out of place because we were not driving a Subaru. We were driving this:


Jared said...

It's the same way here with the Prius. They look like a deformed athletic sneaker rolling down the road, and yet they've infested everything. The Prii are everywhere!

Chris and Shelly said...

That's such a good picture of the three of you (Jordan, Bernie and your third baby-the car:) )

Ashlee said...

I can't believe you drove THAT car. You nature haters!!! Just kidding. I went to Jackson with Hailee and Michelle last fall, and we decided to count the Subarus. I can't remember now how many we counted, but it was definitely over 100.

RPH said...

So funny! That picture is classic...when was it taken?

Bernie said...

That picture was taken when Jordan and I had our engagement pictures, so about 5 years ago.

Dacia said...

I like your ride way better than a Subaru :)

Hilary said...

There's a lot here, too. I say it's because granolas like subarus. AJ says lezzies like subarus :)

Bernie said...

I agree with both of you Hilary!

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