Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My life lately

I feel like I post about my kids most of the time, which is fine with me. Have you seen them? They are cute and they do fun stuff.

But, lately I've been trying to focus on me. Many of you might know that over the last year I've been trying to lose weight and get healthier. My doctor put me on a "diet" last year and I've been working my butt off (literally) since then. This was totally the push I needed. He was really nice about it but he asked me if I was happy with my weight since the birth of Addie. I said I would like to be smaller and he set up a plan of eating 1200-1400 calories a day and walking 3-4 days a week. Since that time I have started Zumba, bought an elliptical machine, and a scale (yeah, I never owned one before), a kitchen scale and healthier food.

So, what was the result?? Well, I have broken a pair of running shoes! Yay! I can't believe that happened. And, I had to buy new workout pants. . . size Medium! And as of right now I have lost over 25 pounds. I'm not done yet but I feel good about where I am and where I'm going.

If anyone is interested some friends and I are going to run in the Teton Dam Marathon 5k so feel free to join us on June 11.


Anonymous said...


Brittany, Jason, and Emily Adams said...

That's awesome. Now that I know I will be here for the Dam Marathon I am in!

Joseph and Mary + Seven said...

Yay Bernie!! You look amazing! You are proof that you can do anything you set your mind to! Good luck at the 5k, I wish I could do it with you guys!

Rachel said...

You are one awesome lady! Good for you!! I keep thinking that you look so good, and I attributed it all to that gorgeous haircut of yours:) Now, I'm motivated too!

Amanda said...

good for you!

and I especially liked your first paragraph! made me giggle.

the scale picture made me giggle, too.

Andrea said...

Way to go Bernie! You must be putting in some serious running to kill your shoes-good work!

Chris and Shelly said...

I really want to do the 5K with you!! I've always waited one of those shirts! I'll see if I can be up there for it. But congrats on losing weight! Keep it up!

Bernie said...

Thanks for all the support guys! I've actually had fun losing weight! I like weighing myself, running and doing zumba with friends. Anyone who wants to join us for the 5k is definitely welcome!

Dacia said...

Like I told you the other day--you're doing awesome! Thanks for the comment on the skirts :)

Leslie said...

You are awesome Bernie!! ...and...Yeah!!! I found your blog! :)

Cheris said...

That is AWESOME!!! I have a goal of 50 lbs but I've been having a hard time getting myself out the door to work out. I really need a push. So many people are doing a fantastic job, like you, and it's motivation to do better but I just have to get past myself.

Great job!!!

Angie said...

That's so cool, Bernadette! Congrats on the weight loss and on getting healthier!